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Turkestan region Population Situation Analysis 2018

Turkestan region Population Situation Analysis 2018

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A summary of the sociological survey on the status of reproductive health of adolescents and young people aged 15-19, their sexual behaviour and access to reproductive health services and information

The purpose of the survey was to assess the sexual and reproductive status of adolescents aged 15- 19, their sexual behaviour as well as access to services and information in the a...

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State of World Population Report

State of World Population 2018

The Power of Choice: Reproductive rights and the demographic transition

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Annual UN Country results report Kazakhstan 2017

This report provides a snapshot of the work that United Nations agencies undertook in Kazakhstan throughout 2017. In partnership with Government, civil society, academia and the p...

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HIV and Migration in Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation. Technical Workshop Report.

Technical workshop on HIV and migration in Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation was held on 19-20 February in Astana, Kazakhstan. Organized by UNFPA in collaboration ...

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Violence against women (VAW) is a global problem that does not recognize any cultural, geographic, religious, social or economic borders. Physical, emotional, sexual and economic v...

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Budget Impact of Free Contraceptives for 15-19-year-old

Free oral contraceptives for 15-19-year-old. What does it cost, and what are the benefits? This policy brief forecasts budget impact of providing free oral contraceptives in Kazakh...

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Technical Reports and Document

UNFPA Engagement in ending gender-based violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most pervasive, under-reported and unaddressed human rights violations in the world. It knows no social, economic or national boundaries. ...

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Budget impact of free contraceptives

This policy brief  forecast  budget impacts of providing free or subsidised oral contraceptives in Kazakhstan in 2017-2021. The cost and benefits are compared in two scen...

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