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HIV and Migration in Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation. Technical Workshop Report.

HIV and Migration in Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation. Technical Workshop Report.
HIV and Migration in Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation. Technical Workshop Report.



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UNFPA in Kazakhstan


HIV and Migration in Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation. Technical Workshop Report.

Publication date

28 February 2018

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Technical workshop on HIV and migration in Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation was held on 19-20 February in Astana, Kazakhstan. Organized by UNFPA in collaboration with UNAIDS, the meeting was hosted by the Government of Kazakhstan and supported by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The main aim was to make an important contribution to: a) The internal preparation of the countries concerned on issues related to HIV and migration towards two important Conferences related to HIV and AIDS are taking place in 2018, in April in Moscow and in July in The Netherlands; b) improve the knowledge of the current situation and trends of “migration and HIV” in the region; c) facilitate exchange of experience and good practices and; d) look for joint efforts to respond to the HIV epidemic. It was designed as a platform for dialogue between rights holders and duty bearers on how to bring the countries’ policies, legislation and regulations in accordance with international standards and good practices.