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Technical Reports and Document

Rapid Gender Assessment for the COVID-19 situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Gender analysis is a tool that is used to identify and address the different needs, opportunities and survival strategies of women and men before, during and after emergencies or...

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Annual Report

We, Kazakhstan (80-pager)

This document summarizes the “Population Situation Analysis of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” as prepared with technical assistance from the United Nations Population Fun...

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Technical Reports and Document

COVID-19 Technical Brief for Antenatal Care Services

This document serves as an adjunct to the UNFPA COVID-19 Technical Brief for Maternity Services to provide interim guidance (https://www.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/resource-pdf/...

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Technical Reports and Document

Technical Brief on the Implications of COVID-19 on Census

This technical guide provide guidance on how UNFPA country offices should continue to support governments in developing contingency plans, expert and technical advice, explaining t...

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COVID-19 Technical Brief for Maternity Services

This leaflet outlined detailed practical recommendations on antenatal care, intrapartum and postnatal care. The aim of these recommendations is to provide interim guidance to ...

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Fact Sheet

Memo on the plan of action of domestic violence victims

This leaflet suggests a 5-step algorithm to victims who face violence in their families. Contacts of organizations, sorted by regions, to address issues of domestic violence a...

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Technical Reports and Document

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Modern Contraceptives and Other Medical Supply Needs, Including for COVID-19 Prevention, Protection and Response.

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response UNFPA Interim Technical Brief

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Technical Reports and Document

Adolescents and Young People & Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response UNFPA Interim Technical Brief

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Technical Reports and Document

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Maternal and Newborn Health & COVID-19

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response UNFPA Interim Technical Brief

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