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Population matters

Population matters

Population matters

Population refers to the number of people living in the country as well as their economic, social, political and other characteristics. UNFPA monitors the interlinkages between population dynamics and sustainable development, with the aim to strengthen national data systems and improve the availability of evidence-based analysis of population dynamics and its linkage to sustainable development for the formulation of human rights protection policies.



UNFPA makes population forecasts to develop and monitor policies on sexual and reproductive health. A survey on the reproductive health of adolescents aged 15 to 19 in Kazakhstan has been made by providing technical and financial support to the Ministry of Health.

UNFPA also works on conducting census and ensuring the availability of census data for users at different levels. Technical support has been provided to the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy in conducting the “Generations and Gender Survey”.

With regard to the COVID-19 situation, a Rapid Gender Assessment was conducted by the Center for Social and Political Studies "Strategy" for UN Women and UNFPA. It provides important information on gender roles and responsibilities, opportunities, and vulnerabilities that have emerged in the society in light of the pandemic outbreak. 


Population Trends 

Demographic analysis, demographic forecasting and the development of policies and plans for regional development by taking account of linkages between population dynamics and sustainable development have been prepared within joint work with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ministry of National Economy.

Detailed Population Situation Analysis has been done. It provides comprehensive population data for the regional authorities to use in planning regional social and economic programmes.


People with Disability

A series of studies were conducted to understand the socio-economic situation of people with different types of disability in parts of Kazakhstan. 

In 2019, UNFPA conducted a national desk review on people with disabilities, in-depth interviews with people with different types of disabilities as well as several focus group discussions with service providers in the Turkestan region were conducted respectively.

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on vulnerable groups, videos with sign languages were developed for people with disabilities, providing reliable and appropriate guidance on:


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