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Budget impact of free contraceptives

Budget impact of free contraceptives


UNFPA Kazakhstan

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Dr, Jari Kempers, Health Economist, PhD


Budget impact of free contraceptives

Publication date

21 February 2017

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This policy briedf is prepared for Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and compares the cost and potential benefits of providing free or subsidised oral contraceptives in Kazakhstan in 2017-2021. In scenariod 1 oral contraceptives  and consultations are provided free of charge to 15-24-year old women. In scenario 2 oral contraceptives and consultations are free for 15-24-year-old women and 25-34-year old women receive subsidy. The results suggest that investment in both, free or subsidised, oral contraceptives create cost-saving for Ministry of Health and Social Development. The costs or oral contraceptives and soncultation are offset by cost savings resulting from averted abortions and fewer deliveries. 
