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Y-PEER Kazakhstan expands further to west of Kazakhstan

Y-PEER Kazakhstan expands further to west of Kazakhstan


Y-PEER Kazakhstan expands further to west of Kazakhstan

calendar_today 09 February 2017

Informal education is considered to be one of the most important channel of communicating information for behavioral change. Y-PEER network network of young volunteers suppored by UNFPA which promotes healthy lifestyle and provides quality information on sexual and reproductive health issues by peer-to-peer education.

Y-PEER network in Kazakhstan has successfully landed in Mangystau region, three resource centers are opened for young people in Shiyely, Aktau and Zhana-Ozen. Volunteers from Kyzylorda conducted three days training of trainers for activists from the mentioned cities. Over 60 activists participated in the specially designed training for peer education. Over three days participants of traning received quality information on such topics as leadership, volunterism, prevention of sexually transmitted deseases including HIV/AIDS, gender, healthy lifestyle in very informal friendly atmosphere.

Most of them are about 18-20 years old and they confessed in the training feedback sheets that this is a first time they receive this kind of information in such friendly way, they played out different situations, made little performanes and lived through different situation to understand and face with gender inequalities, social discrimination and stigma.    

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