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Violence against women (VAW) is a global problem that does not recognize any cultural, geographic, religious, social or economic borders. Physical, emotional, sexual and economic violence against women is common everywhere. Physical violence means physically aggressive acts, including strokes, slaps, kicks, beating, burns and use of weapon. Emotional violence includes regular humiliation and insulted dignity, tight isolation or belittling treatment. Coercion to sex or sexual violence means sexual harassment, sexual touches against partner's will, forced sex and forced pregnancy

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Budget Impact of Free Contraceptives for 15-19-year-old


Free oral contraceptives for 15-19-year-old. What does it cost, and what are the benefits? This policy brief forecasts budget impact of providing free oral contraceptives in Kazakhstan. The costs and benefits are compared in two scenarios; 1) free oral contraceptives to 15-19-year-old women, and 2) to 18-19-year-old women in 2018-2022.

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UNFPA Engagement in ending gender-based violence


Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most pervasive, under-reported and unaddressed human rights violations in the world. It knows no social, economic or national boundaries. This set of brochures presents the results a mapping of all UNFPA Country Offices to assess their level of engagement in gender-based violence prevention and response.


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Budget impact of free contraceptives


This policy brief  forecast  budget impacts of providing free or subsidised oral contraceptives in Kazakhstan in 2017-2021. The cost and benefits are compared in two scenarios: 1) free oral contraceptives for 15-24-year-old women, and 2) 50% subsidiy for 15-34-year-old-women. 

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Kazakhstan Family planning national framework program 2017-2021


The Kazakhstan Family Planning National Framework Program 2017-2021 was drafted throug a coherent strategic planning process, including consultations with and involvement of national, as we as international experts. The UNFPA Country office in Kazakhstan provided techincal assistance throughout the process.


The Framework Program document is a key policy document for improvement of family planning sevices in Kazakhstan, with reflection of he strategic  vision and directions of activities of the Ministry of Health and Social Development for the next five-year period in Kazakhstan. 

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State of World Population 2016

State of World Population Report

В докладе «Народонаселение мира в 2016 году» приводятся истории жизни и чаяния 10 девочек из разных слоев общества; возможности и препятствия, с которыми они сталкивается сегодня и каким представляется их будущее в контексте новой Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года, принятой Организацией Объединенных Наций, и сопутствующих ей 17 Целей устойчивого развития, которые призваны обеспечить справедливое и всеохватывающее развитие, в процессе которого никто не должен быть забыт.  

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State of World Population 2015

State of World Population Report

Shelter From the Storm: A transformative agenda for women and girls in a crisis-prone world

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Joint Programme "Raising Competitiveness of the Region through Innovative Approaches to Regional Planning and Social Services"  is the first example of joint programming as One approach in this country and there are plans to replicate the Programme in two other regions of Kazakhstan.




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Improvement of Family Planning in Kazakhstan through application of UNFPA/WHO approaches


Assessment results of strengths and weaknesses of the current policies to insure access of the population of Kazakhstan to Family Planning




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Исследование по оценке осведомленности молодых людей в области репродуктивных прав и сексуального репродуктивного здоровья в ЮКО


Цель – определить уровень знаний и потребности уязвимой молодежи в ЮКО в области репродуктивного здоровья.


Исследовательские задачи:

  • определить понимание своих нужд в услугах по репродуктивному здоровью уязвимой молодежью

  • определить причины, по которым люди, нуждающиеся я в медицинских услугах по репродуктивному и сексуальному здоровью, не обращаются в соответствующие службы

  • описать требования молодых людей к условиям, при соблюдении которых они были бы готовы получать услуги в области сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья

  • оценить потребности в медицинских услугах по репродуктивному и сексуальному здоровью.


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